Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Giovanni Manna's illustrations for "The Barefoot Book of Giants, Ghosts and Goblins"

The Barefoot Book of Giants, Ghosts and Goblins is John Matthew's retelling of nine traditional supernatural tales from around the world. 5 stories out of the 9 stories are from non-European cultures, specifically Cheyenne, Hausa, Chinese, Evenk and aboriginal Australian. The illustrator is Giovanni Manna.

In 'The Bunyip', a group of Australian youths capture a young aquatic monster...

In 'Little Ooyani', the Evenk hero makes himself iron wings to confront the cloud-dwelling demon who devoured his people.

In 'A-Man-Among-Men', a Hausa tale about the origin of thunder and lightning, two giants battle in the sky.

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